Abigail Drake

Love, Chocolate, and a Dog Named Al Capone

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201068639
Veröffentlicht September 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Abigail Drake
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Pride, prejudice, and a puppy! A romantic comedy from a Labrador's perspective.
Capone, the newly acquired puppy of Miss Josephine St. Clair, owner of Bartleby's Books, is a literature loving Labrador. Obsessed with Jane Austen, and cursed with a terrible name, Capone hopes to change his doggie karma and prove he's just as much a gentleman as the heroes in his favorite books, by finding the perfect Mr. Darcy for the lonely and bookishly adorable Miss Josie.
Unfortunately, the only men Miss Josie seems to encounter aren't Darcys at all. They're Wickhams, Churchills, and Willoughbys. Even worse, there is trouble afoot. Someone has been sabotaging Miss Josie's business, and all signs point to her evil ex. Can Capone find a way to save Bartleby's Books, help Miss Josie find her true love, and earn, at long last, a name befitting a true gentleman?
*Honorable Mention, Writer's Digest Self-Published E-book Awards, 2019. Winner of the Stiletto Contest, 2020*


Abigail Drake is the award-winning author of seventeen novels, but she didn't start her career in writing. She majored in Japanese and economics in college, and spent years traveling the world, collecting stories wherever she visited. She collected a husband from Istanbul on her travels, too, and he is her favorite souvenir.
Abigail is a coffee addict, a puppy wrangler, and the mother of three adult sons. She writes contemporary romance, women's fiction, and young adult fiction, and has taught workshops for many different writing organizations. In her spare time, she blogs about her dog, Capone, and teaches writing classes for children at her local library.

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