Academic E-Books

Publishers, Librarians, and Users. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 372 Seiten
ISBN 1612494293
EAN 9781612494296
Veröffentlicht November 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Purdue University Press

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Academic E-Books: Publishers, Librarians, and Users provides readers with a view of the changing and emerging roles of electronic books in higher education. The three main sections contain contributions by experts in the publisher/vendor arena, as well as by librarians who report on both the challenges of offering and managing e-books and on the issues surrounding patron use of e-books. The case study section offers perspectives from seven different sizes and types of libraries whose librarians describe innovative and thought-provoking projects involving e-books.
Read about perspectives on e-books from organizations as diverse as a commercial publisher and an association press. Learn about the viewpoint of a jobber. Find out about the e-book challenges facing librarians, such as the quest to control costs in the patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) model, how to solve the dilemma of resource sharing with e-books, and how to manage PDA in the consortial environment. See what patron use of e-books reveals about reading habits and disciplinary differences.
Finally, in the case study section, discover how to promote scholarly e-books, how to manage an e-reader checkout program, and how one library replaced most of its print collection with e-books. These and other examples illustrate how innovative librarians use e-books to enhance users' experiences with scholarly works.


Suzanne M. Ward holds degrees from UCLA, the University of Michigan, and Memphis State University. She has worked at the Purdue University Libraries since 1987 and currently serves as head of Collection Management. Professional interests include patron-driven acquisitions and print retention issues.
Robert S. Freeman has worked at Purdue University since 1997, where he is a reference librarian and liaison to the School of Languages and Cultures and the Department of English. He has an MA in German from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MS in library and information science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Judith M. Nixon received her BS degree in education from Valparaiso University and her MS in library science from the University of Iowa. She has held appointments as head of three libraries at Purdue. Currently, she is the bibliographer and liaison to the College of Education.

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