Alan Giles

Hello Burgundy

A Guide to the Great Grand Cru Vineyards of Burgundy. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 50 Seiten
ISBN 164826204X
EAN 9781648262043
Veröffentlicht März 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Alan Giles

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Hello Burgundy is a compact guide and introduction to the Grand Cru Vineyards of Burgundy France. This book provides insight and detail into the Vineyards, including location, history, and interesting details and facts. It describes the area, and has useful information. A handy pocket guide to a traveller in the region, this book also will be a great read to anyone interested in the great wines and vineyards from this famous region in France. Complete with Maps, Photos, & and a Wine Vintage Guide for the region.
The book covers many famous Vineyards including: Grand Montrachet, Romanee Conti, Chambertin and Clos de Vougeot in the Burgundy wine region of France.
The author's personal experience drawn from 50 years of visiting, drinking, selling and enjoying the wines of the region provide for a wonderful introductory insight into this famous wine region. Topics covered include: Wine Tasting, The yearly cycle of a Vineyard, enjoying wine and some history of the area, its villages and its people.
The book is a convenient size for the traveler or diner.


A lifetime involved in importing, retailing and promoting French Wines. He has operated restaurants, hotels etc. he has visited France consistently since 1970 and conducted many tours of the wine growing areas.

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