Alexis Kennedy

Angry House

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1946212296
EAN 9781946212290
Veröffentlicht Februar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Title Wave Publishing, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Frozen in its sinister history, the house waited for him.
Searching for solitude along Vermont's back roads, dejected author Rhett Shaw discovers a dilapidated and abandoned house. Sitting alone on a private road, the house offers Rhett a quiet setting to finish his next book while he repairs it to its former glory.
While renovating the house, strange noises, visions, and feelings overwhelm Rhett, making him question his sanity. Despite the phenomena, however, he becomes obsessed with the restorations, and the more sweat he pours into them, the more he feels the house urging him.
As the house takes shape, so does Rhett's new book, which seems to write itself. His characters embed themselves inside his thoughts and possibly-he fears-his actions. The same crimes he includes in his manuscript are plaguing his new community in explicit detail, and the distraught author can't tell if he's depicting them before they're committed or after. Is he psychic, or is he the perpetrator?
She whispered, "It gets angry, and then it consumes you."
Ages 14+


Alexis Kennedy writes across multiple genres, delivering suspenseful stories categorized as paranormal romance, historical romance, crime/mystery, psychological thriller, organized crime thrillers, fantasy, horror, and spy thrillers.
Alexis's novels are populated with immersive characters navigating plot twists that keep you guessing. Her descriptive narratives develop movies in your mind, transporting you inside the stories where you can experience love, suspense, intrigue, mystery, and magic.
Alexis resides in Missouri with her beloved dog. She began writing poetry in her early teens and short stories for her son when he was little before turning to novels. She has been fascinated with creating suspenseful stories and riveting characters ever since. Her novels reflect her vivid imagination and lifelong love for books. She enjoys reading novels by Karin Slaughter, James Patterson, and Shannon Drake.
Alexis says, "When you write, you escape into another world and another you that you once knew nothing about."

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