MultiMedia - Anne Cranny-Francis

Anne Cranny-Francis


Texts and Contexts. First Edition. WEB PDF. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 4.
pdf eBook , 208 Seiten
ISBN 1847871178
EAN 9781847871176
Veröffentlicht März 2008
Verlag/Hersteller SAGE Publications Ltd
64,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

`This book provides an accessible introduction to the meaning-making practices of multimedia. It will help students by providing them with a framework with which to analyse texts and provides some useful suggestions for further investigation of the topic' - Learning, Media and Technology
This book provides an accessible and much needed introduction to the diversity of multimedia appearing and proliferating in our society.
The phenomenal growth of multimedia has given rise to debates on the role of technology, the skills required for their production and use, and the ethics and politics involved in these new embodied interactions.
Anne Cranny-Francis develops a clear framework for those seeking to understand the complex world of multimedia and its impact on everyday life.


In 2011 I'm finishing my Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project on Touch and New Technologies by completing several pieces of work:  a monograph, provisionally titled Touching Technologies; a special issue of the journal Social Semiotics on Touch; a photo-essay based on my exhibition, The Sense of Touch; an essay on Touch and the Archive; and an extended essay on Ron Mueck's sculpture.
      The Social Semiotics issue features work from researchers in a range of fields including education, museology, sound art, experimental psychology, marketing, and cultural studies - and will be an exciting synergistic read!
    I'm also working on a new ARC-funded project about Australian writer and socialist, Jack Lindsay - and have made some extraordinary archival discoveries!  I hope to write about these very soon too!


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