Ayman Elhossiny Md

Coronavirus Invasion All Right ... We Will Fight

Immunity Boosters, Self-Protection Measures, Mood Elevators. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 60 Seiten
ISBN 1663202788
EAN 9781663202789
Veröffentlicht Juni 2020
Verlag/Hersteller iUniverse
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Amid the enormous volume of information that was rapidly developed, accumulated, compiled, and hurriedly disseminate by the media on the coronavirus upon declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic, this book was timely written and published by an experienced practicing physician.
The book is a treatise on the effective reliable means of combating the coronavirus based on the assumption that we may have to live with after all.
Nutritional artillery to protect your body and elevate your immunity to infection - how to block the coronavirus from breaching your lungs - Can sun rays assassinate the coronavirus and why you should have a daily sunbath? - Are you in a bad mood, here are some tools to lift your spirit - Which can bail you out from being locked in with the coronavirus: soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizers? - Can the coronavirus sneak on you while munching or during copulation?


Dr. Ayman Husseiny is a prolific writer with tens of published medical books. He provides the layman with a variety of easy to digest capsules formulated with the latest medical information. Emphases are placed on different aspects of medicine, nutrition, health care and beauty care as well as alternative medicine.

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