Brian Sparks

Positive Impact Golf

Helping Golfers to Liberate Their Potential. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 0992853427
EAN 9780992853426
Veröffentlicht März 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Positive Impact Golf

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This is the golf book anyone who plays the game must read. It will declutter your mind and free you to develop your own potential at whatever level you play, weekend amateur through to young aspiring tour player. Brian Sparks, a British PGA Pro since 1967, helps you to demystify all of the standard golfing jargon and show you how easily you can swing a golf club and hit a ball. This book is the natural antidote to the over-complex, mechanical way that most golf teachers now think you need to be able to improve. Scientific research now proves that this is not the way we learn. After showing you the power of traditional misconceptions about the golf swing Brian goes on to give you simple advice about how to cope with the bad shots this game will always throw your way. It is easy to understand and will prove to be the best purchase you ever made for your game. Although essential reading for all golfers it is particularly valid for women and for any man in the senior division. For you, it will take a lot of the unnecessary effort away from your game and leave you able to play 18 holes and go on to play another 9 with a smile on your face!


Brian was a Golf Pro from age 16 until he passed away in 2021. He had played on the European and South African circuits in his late teens and early twenties and then played the French circuit in his late thirties. He discovered, whilst working in France as a coaching pro some novel new ideas and concepts of how to learn in simple ways to adopt a very natural action that was uncomplicated and easy to learn. His French students named him the Professor de Golf who taught "La Danse du Golf" (the dance of golf) a term he adopted for one of his simple exercises. By the time of his death he had coaches in seven countries and this book had been sold in 60 countries and is printed in four languages. He wanted to leave a legacy that would carry on after his death as he was convinced that most teachers are making the game too complicated and confuse their students. This was very important to him that golfers should learn just how easy golf can be not how difficult some people perceive it to be.

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