Chris D. Henry

How to Write Your First Book and Beyond

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1516309790
EAN 9781516309795
Veröffentlicht September 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Chris Henry
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This is a short and simple E-Book on how to "Write Your First Book and Beyond!" This E-Book can get you up and running to writing your first Book TODAY!!!!


Chris Henry was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia. He relocated to New York for a couple of years and that's when he started auditioning for roles in film and television. Chris worked as a background actor on films like a Wind in Rome and The Notorious BIG Movie just to name a few. He also did some background work on television shows like Ugly Betty and Lipstick Jungle. Chris' time was cut short while he was in New York so he ended up moving back to his home town, Atlanta, Ga. That's where Chris starting writing his own stories and publishing his own Books.
Chris Henry is the Author of the Comedy Book, "Out of Work" in which he took ideas from his own life experience and turned it into a comedy novel masterpiece. Chris decided to write when he and his cousin Thomas came up with an idea together about writing books. Thomas never did come through on his end but Chris starting jotting ideas away and BAM, an Author was born! His upcoming Novels, "April's Promise" and "The Meaning behind the Song" will be out soon as well.
Chris remembered the time he spent in New York trying to become an actor and he never let go of his dreams. He wanted to put together his own stories so he could be separated from others who just wanted to do acting and call it a day. Chris said that he was listening to Don Cheadle on the radio one day and Mr. Cheadle was explaining why it's always a great idea to come up with your own story so that you can have ownership of what you possibly can direct or produce in the near future. Even if you sell your story to a film production company, you'll still be known as a writer/actor who has more than just one talent.
Chris' eyes is set on the prize and at this point in his life, nothing can stop him from going after his dreams

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