Christine Arylo

Choosing ME Before WE

Every Woman's Guide to Life and Love. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 232 Seiten
ISBN 1577318455
EAN 9781577318453
Veröffentlicht September 2010
Verlag/Hersteller New World Library

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Full of sass, soul, and the type of empowering wisdom that no woman should live without, Choosing ME before WE is like a heart-to-heart with your closest girlfriend. And best of all, you'll discover that your closest girlfriend is your own truest self, inside you, always ready to offer wise, loving advice and counsel about what is best for you.
Designed to challenge and guide women to create the relationships they want instead of the ones they often find themselves stuck in, this book is packed with:
stimulating questions to uncover what's true for you, daring you to get downright real about yourself and your relationships
powerful techniques to change old habits that sabotage your dreams
real-life experiences shared by the author, her friends, and her clients
Author Christine Arylo, who almost married the wrong guy for all the wrong reasons, speaks to women of all ages, whether they're seeking a relationship, evaluating a less-than-fulfilling one, rebounding from a bad breakup, or working through issues with a partner. Choosing ME before WE teaches women to stop settling, to get real about the kind of partner they're looking for, and to start exploring and creating what they truly want in themselves and their relationships.


After earning her MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and spending over twelve years marketing big brands such as Gap Inc., Visa, and Frito-Lay, Christine Arylo traded in building images for corporations for a chance to inspire women to break free from their limiting self-images. Merging her professional experience and extensive leadership and coaching training with a seven-year spiritual journey, Christine now works with women and girls as a catalyst for change. Christine's clients include entrepreneurs, executives, and people seeking a personal path. As an author and speaker, Christine leads no-taboo, limit-busting conversations and workshops called Girltalk...taking it deeper(TM) in venues ranging from the Internet to major U.S. cities. In 2008, she launched the Madly in Love with ME(TM) line of jewelry and apparel as well as a journal for pre-teens, daring and guiding them to explore their real ME. She lives in Oakland, California, with her partner, Noah, and their Siberian husky.

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