Transformation of Octavian to Augustus. The political turning point of Rome in images - Corinna Neerpasch

Corinna Neerpasch

Transformation of Octavian to Augustus. The political turning point of Rome in images

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pdf eBook , 20 Seiten
ISBN 3668272514
EAN 9783668272514
Veröffentlicht August 2016
Verlag/Hersteller GRIN Verlag

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Altertum, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: We can read from images how the culture and comprehension of the world used to be in this time. They are historic documents. Each found picture, coin or statue is a piece of a huge puzzle which is to be solved and which leads us to a better understanding of history.
Besides, they show us the power they had and how one who can use them wisely, can influence and educate the masses with their help.
Art and architecture are mainly the only hint of passed times.
It is no question that Imperator Caesar Divi Fiulius Augustus reformed the whole visual language. But he did not only change and improve it, but also used it for his benefits. By means of images the political turning point in Rome and the whole Empire is clear to see. He led the Roman Empire into a glory time (saeculum augustum) and gave the masses new art, architecture and a totally improved townscape.

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