Crystal Singh

Hindsight Witnessing God's Handiwork In Life

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0578285738
EAN 9780578285733
Veröffentlicht August 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Crystal Singh
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Uncover a miraculous story of faith, purpose, and survival against all odds.
Beautifully written as an enduring testament to the power and grace of God, this touching memoir illuminates author Crystal Singh's journey through sickness and health, exploring how her unshakeable faith helped her overcome life's tumultuous challenges.
Having undergone over a hundred surgeries since birth, and had not just one organ removed but nine, along with numerous medical complications that left her dangerously close to death, Hindsight: Witnessing God's Handiwork in Life is a powerful and uplifting story of faith and resilience. But despite all her trials, she held onto her faith and chose to see beyond her limitations. This book gently reminds us that God is active in our lives down to every detail - and that sometimes all we need to do is zoom in on the little things to discover the love and guidance that He has for us.
So if you find that you are constantly asking yourself questions such as:
Why me?
Am I cursed? Is the Lord still here with me?
Will I ever get out of this loop of unfortunate circumstances?
What is God teaching me through these trials and challenging circumstances?
What is God's purpose for my life?
How can I get back to feeling closer to God in my life?
How can I strengthen my faith in Christ?
…this book will seek to address these as she shares how she remained strong despite all the challenges she was going through.
Show you how God works miracles in your life, even if you don't initially see it
Open your eyes to the blessings of God already present in your life and significantly build your gratitude
As a must-read for anyone going through a difficult time in their life, Crystal's story reminds us that no matter what challenges we're facing, God is standing by our side. It offers an empowering light at the end of the tunnel, encouraging us to step beyond our struggles, focus on the positive little details, and gain a newfound perspective on how God cares for our most intimate needs.
The Bible, in the book of James 1: 2-3, tells us: "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." This book will help you achieve just that!
Scroll up and grab your copy today to discover Crystal's incredible story.


Crystal Singh lives in Little Elm, Texas. In 2005 she graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. In college she met Tony Singh and in 2007 they were married and love to care for their dogs and cats. Crystal has a passion for volunteer work. She volunteers with the police and fire departments and with Little Elm Food Bank as well as with refugee children through her church. Her hobbies include gardening, caring for animals, and attending car shows. She can be reached at If you would like to support more books being printed to bring HOPE to people. Donate to

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