Dewey Lambdin

King, Ship, and Sword

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 300 Seiten
ISBN 1788638751
EAN 9781788638753
Veröffentlicht Februar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Canelo Adventure
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

December 1801. The long war is over, but Captain Alan Lewrie, Royal Navy, is appalled by its consequences. What is a dashing and successful frigate captain to 'do' with himself if he's ashore?
And where will Lewrie twiddle his thumbs and be bored to death until the war begins again, as he's sure it will? Will he idle in expensive, exciting London, or go home to his rented farm in Anglesgreen in Surrey, and rejoin his wife? Peace and domesticity are hellish-hard on the rakehells!
Yet by the spring of 1802, Lewrie and his Caroline have reconciled (again) and are off to make a go of a second honeymoon - in Paris, France, of all places! But Lewrie just can't help getting into trouble, and he and Caroline must flee for their lives, with aid from the most unlikely source imaginable.
When war breaks out again in May of 1803, Lewrie has fresh orders, a new frigate, and a chance to punish and pursue the French, but it's no longer for Duty or King and Country - now it's personal!
Number sixteen in The Alan Lewrie Naval Adventures, King, Ship and Sword is perfect for fans of Patrick O'Brian, Julian Stockwin and C.S. Forester.
'You could get addicted to this series. Easily' New York Times Book Review
'The best naval series since C. S. Forester... Recommended' Library Journal
'Fast-moving... A hugely likeable hero, a huge cast of sharply drawn supporting characters: there's nothing missing. Wonderful stuff' Kirkus Reviews


Dewey Lambdin was an American nautical historical novelist, best known for his Alan Lewrie Naval Adventures series, spanning the American Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. A member of the U.S. Naval Institute and a Friend of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England, he spent his free time working and sailing. Besides the Alan Lewrie series, he was also the author of What Lies Buried: a novel of Old Cape Fear. He died in 2021.

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