Edward Y. C. Lee

The Laundryman's Boy

A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 1443470570
EAN 9781443470575
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller HarperAvenue
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Fall 1913, St. Catharines, Ontario. Thirteen-year-old Hoi Wing Woo, the son of a scholar, is forced to give up his dreams of an education when he is sent to work in a Chinese laundry in Canada.
Hoi Wing is immediately thrust into relentless, mind-numbing toil, washing clothes by hand for sixteen hours a day, six days a week. Isolated and friendless, he falls into despair.
When he meets Heather, an Irish scullery maid who shares his love of books, Hoi Wing's life immediately brightens. Together, they escape the drudgery of their work by reading novels in a secret hideout. As their friendship grows, they defy the restrictions of their indentured servitude and embark on a plan to better their lives.
But Hoi Wing's dreams will not go unchallenged. Jonathan Braddock, a wealthy and influential entrepreneur who heads the Asiatic Exclusion League, has decided to run for mayor. If Braddock is elected, Hoi Wing will be sent back to China.
The Laundryman's Boy is a moving coming-of-age story that bravely examines notions of race, duty and friendship in early Canada.


EDWARD Y. C. LEE was born in Montreal and is a former arbitrator and lawyer. His fiction and creative non-fiction have been published in the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail and in various literary magazines. His radio documentary, Tiger Balm, Batman Comics and Barbeque Pork, was produced by CBC Radio Outfront. Lee lives in Toronto with his wife, Jinah, and their daughter, Erica. The Laundryman's Boy is his first novel.

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