Ellen Mclaughlin

The Greek Plays 2

Ajax in Iraq, Kissing the Floor, Penelope, Mercury's Footpath, and The Oresteia. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1559369442
EAN 9781559369442
Veröffentlicht 6. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Theatre Communications Group

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Ellen McLaughlin returns with a new collection of adaptations and modern reimaginings of classic Greek tragedies. Drawing on works by Sophocles, Homer, Aeschylus and more, these plays breathe fresh life into timeless questions and conflicts that still feel startlingly relevant today: Can civilization survive humanity's basest instincts? What do we do about the human compulsion toward violence? Are we irreversibly transformed by the trauma of war and political strife, or is there a chance we can recover a part of our former selves? This collection includes the plays Ajax in Iraq (from Sophocles), Kissing the Floor (Sophocles), Penelope (Homer), Mercury's Footpath (Euripides), and The Oresteia (based on Aeschylus' trilogy Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides).


Ellen McLaughlin's plays have received numerous national and international productions. They include Days and Nights Within, A Narrow Bed, Infinity's House, Iphigenia and Other Daughters, Tongue of a Bird, The Trojan Women, Helen, The Persians, Oedipus, Ajax in Iraq, Kissing the Floor, Septimus and Clarissa, and Penelope. Producers include: The Public Theater; The National Actors Theatre and New York Theatre Workshop in NYC; Actors Theatre of Louisville; The Actors' Gang L.A.; Classic Stage Company, NYC; The Intiman Theater, Seattle; Almeida Theater, London; The Mark Taper Forum, L.A.; The Oregon Shakespeare Festival; The Getty Villa, California; and The Guthrie Theater, Minnesota; among other venues.
Grants and awards include: Helen Merrill Award for Playwriting, Great American Play Contest, Susan Smith Blackburn Prize, the NEA, the Writer's Award from the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, and the Berilla Kerr Award for playwriting. She received a TCG/Fox Residency Grant for Ajax in Iraq, written for the A.R.T. Institute.
She has taught playwriting at Barnard College since 1995. Other teaching posts include Breadloaf School of English, Yale School of Drama, and Princeton University, among others.
Ms. McLaughlin is also an actor. She is most well-known for having originated the part of the Angel in Tony Kushner's Angels in America, appearing in every U.S. production from its earliest workshops through its original Broadway run.

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