Fred S. Goldberg

The Insanity of Advertising: A Taste of the Insanity

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386866547
EAN 9781386866541
Veröffentlicht Januar 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Goldberg Enterprises
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This book is just a sample of the insanity.
If you have anything to do with advertising or are interested in it, this is a must book to read. There is no other book on the subject so revealing and relevant, not to mention engaging. Veteran ad man Fred Goldberg, gives us an unforgettable glimpse into the chaos, drama, and outright wackiness that fuels one of the most loved and hated industries. While Goldberg shares plenty of behind-the-scenes dirt on what it was like to craft ad campaigns for some of the most well known corporate titans, he also doesn't spare the mad men who worked alongside him. Outsize personalities, some prone to jaw-dropping displays of ego and antics that are truly hard to believe, but true. There's a week spent with John Wayne shooting commercials, commercials he didn't want to be shooting; the untold story behind Steve Jobs and the infamous introductory Apple "1984" Macintosh commercial; what it was like working with Michael Dell as Dell Computers mushroomed from $100M to $30+B; along with insights and anecdotes recounted from dealing with advertising legends like Jay Chiat, Guy Day, Lee Clow and Ed Ney; entrepreneurs like Larry Ellison, Les Crane, Ben Rosen, Don Kingsborough and Joseph E. Levine. Insanity of Advertising: Memoirs of a Mad Man is the real story of mad men in a very mad environment.

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