Grace Isoken Ogala

Victory Steps To Overcome Diabetes

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1304386139
EAN 9781304386137
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
4,94 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

In Victory Steps to overcome Diabetes, Dr. Grace Ogala outlines her remarkable journey of overcoming diabetes, one that took her from the perilous grip of diabetes to a revitalized life. This book is not merely a personal memoir; it is a profound roadmap designed to guide others on their quest to overcome diabetes.
This book reveals Dr. Grace's struggles and helpful tips which she used in overcoming diabetes in 2021 and decreased her hemoglobin A1C from 10.1 to 5.4 in 7 months. Her current A1C is 4.9 in 2023. She also decreased her blood sugar from an elevated blood sugar level of 428mg/dl to a stable fasting blood sugar range of 78 to 80 mg/dl.
But more than her story she explained her secret "Victory Steps Model" which she used as a compass in voyage to overcome diabetes. The "Victory Steps Model " includes discovery, determination, discipline, and doing.
This book also provides an extensive compilation of information from credible websites, books, and continuing education.
This book will serve as quick reference guide for people living with diabetes, those struggling to lose weight, as well as those living with hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and chronic kidney disease.
Step into the pages of Victory Steps to Overcome Diabetes and find not just a book, but a valuable companion for your health journey.

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