Great Books & Coffee

15 min Book Summary of Martin Ford's Book "The Rise of the Robots" (The 15' Book Summaries Series, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1540122492
EAN 9781540122490
Veröffentlicht April 2018
Verlag/Hersteller GreatBooksAndCoffee | Book Reviews and Summaries
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Thinking about getting Martin Ford's book 'The Rise of the Robots - Technology and the Threat of Mass Employment' ? You definitely should! But first, take 15 minutes to read this review and make up your mind! This book summary is value-packed:
-- A book overview to start with the BIG IDEAS.
-- The main themes, questions and conclusions in bullet points to GET TO THE CORE IN NO TIME.
-- The main arguments and ideas as developed in the book, so you can UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BOOK IS REALLY ABOUT.
-- Some food for thought to conclude and help you go beyond.
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About GreatBooks&Coffee:
GreatBooks&Coffee is the ebook series of I Will Make You Think Smart, the literary blog of a thirty-something who loves books (and coffee) and reviews books that give readers great insights on a variety of topics, including politics, economics, innovation, society developments, but also business and personal development or culture.
The aim is simple: give you access to books that will teach you something new, give you some background knowledge to help you grow your profile and gain in confidence when it comes to discussing those topics, whether at work or while having a smart drink.
Are you looking for great books to learn something new?
Are you looking for great books to think smarter and be smarter?
Are you looking for great books on innovation, technology, business, and politics?
These book summaries are made for you!
The 15' Book Summaries Series:
Did you know that most people never finish the books they begin?
Knowledge is key and the books written by thought leaders are the best way to learn about a variety of very specific topics. Having said this, we all need more time and reading a complete book may be complicated. In reality, most people never finish the books they begin.
The ebooks of The 15' Book Summaries Series aim at giving you a general overview of a book but they also explain the context behind it, with a step by step description of the various arguments developed by the author, with a summary of his main questions and conclusions.
Note: The review and book summary should be used as an introduction to the book but will never replace the author's original work, which we invite you to acquire legally after reading this summary!
Happy reading, Happy thinking!
Book Summary | The Rise of the Robots - Book Review & Summary of Martin Ford's book 'The Rise of the Robots' in 15 Minutes!

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