There's a Place For Us: The Musical Theatre Works of Leonard Bernstein - Helen Smith

Helen Smith

There's a Place For Us: The Musical Theatre Works of Leonard Bernstein

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 3.
pdf eBook , 318 Seiten
ISBN 135153923X
EAN 9781351539234
Veröffentlicht Juli 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
72,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Leonard Bernstein was the quintessential American musician. Through his careers as conductor, pianist, teacher and television personality he became known across the US and the world, his flamboyance and theatricality making him a favourite with audiences, if not with critics. However, he is perhaps best remembered as a composer, particularly of the musical West Side Story, and for songs such as 'America', 'Tonight' and 'Somewhere'. Dr Helen Smith takes an in-depth look at all eight of Bernstein's musical theatre works, from the early On the Town written by the 26-year-old composer at the start of his career, to his second and last opera A Quiet Place in 1983; in between these two pieces he composed music for Trouble in Tahiti, Wonderful Town, Candide, West Side Story, Mass and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. These works are analysed and considered against a background of musical and social context, as well as looking at Bernstein's other orchestral, choral and chamber works. One important aspect examined is Bernstein's use of motifs in his theatre compositions, which takes them out of the realms of Broadway and into the sphere of symphonic writing. Smith provides an indispensable overview of the musical theatre works of an eclectic composer, and shows what it is that constitutes the Bernstein 'sound'.


Helen Smith studied conducting at Birmingham Conservatoire after receiving her PhD from the University of Birmingham. She is musical director for several choirs in the West Midlands and works with children and young people as a vocal animateur. As a musicologist, Helen specializes in the works of Leonard Bernstein and in American music.


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