Jayne Ann Krentz

Connecting Rooms

ebook Ausgabe. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 75 Seiten
ISBN 1476771367
EAN 9781476771366
Veröffentlicht Januar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Pocket Star Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Available for the first time as a standalone eBook novella, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz's Connecting Rooms.
Amy Comfort is a real estate agent on Misplaced Island, a quaint, remote town located off the coast of Washington. When she sells an old Victorian manse to the sultry, sexy Owen Sweet, a private investigator relocating from Seattle, sparks fly from the get-go, though both Amy and Owen decidedly ignore their natural chemistry.
Until, that is, Amy enlists Owen's help in looking into her aunt Bernice's fiance Arthur Crabshaw, who Amy suspects is not what he seems. To keep their cover intact, Amy and Owen pretend to be a lovestruck, newly engaged couple, as they travel to Villantry, Washington, to investigate Arthur. When the mystery surrounding Arthur begins to spin out of control, Amy and Owen must trust in each other to stay alive. But, when the lines between their make-believe courtship and reality begin to blur, will the faux-couple end up with something aside from what they had set out to find?
From a bestselling anthology comes the story of two people looking for answers, who happen upon something they never knew was missing...each other.


The author of over fifty consecutive New York Times bestsellers, Jayne Ann Krentz writes romantic-suspense in three different worlds: Contemporary (as Jayne Ann Krentz), historical (as Amanda Quick), and futuristic/paranormal (as Jayne Castle). There are over 30 million copies of her books in print. She earned a BA in history from the University of California, Santa Cruz and went on to obtain a Master's degree in library science from San Jose State University in California. Before she began writing full time she worked as a librarian in both academic and corporate libraries. She is married and lives with her husband, Frank, in Seattle, Washington. Jayne loves to hear from her readers and can be found at Facebook.com/JayneAnnKrentz.

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