Jeff Jernigan BCPC FAIS, Nancy Jernigan LPF LPC

Thin Spaces

Recognizing When God Breaks Through. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 188 Seiten
EAN 9798385012176
Veröffentlicht Januar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller WestBow Press
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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God is with us in our daily lives, and if we're attuned to Him, we will experience His presence in powerful and profound ways. That's an important reminder for all of us as followers of Christ, and that's the message of this encouraging book from Jeff and Nancy Jernigan."
-Jim Daly,
President, Focus on the Family
Hearing from God and noticing when he breaks through in our life is not a sub-point to life, but a supreme purpose of our life and faith walk with God.
Thin Spaces is a term from early Celtic Christianity more than 1,000 years ago describing those places where God breaks through into our lives in a personal encounter.
. This book is full of stories illustrating ways God breaks through into our lives.
. The concepts and illustrations are supported by scripture.
. Biblical stories are used to illustrate how God speaks to us, reveals his character, and teaches us his ways.
. The book guides the reader to understand how to recognize, test, and grow in their understanding of how and when God breaks through an ordinary life and the role this plays in restoration.
God's deepest heart is for our restoration to him in relationship. Restoration brings healing, health, and hope as we grow in grasping the expansive love of God.


Jeff Jernigan, PhD, BCPPC, FAIS
Jeff is a Board-Certified Mental Health Professional, Fellow with The American Institute of Stress, Pastor, and Medical Missionary. He is ranked among the top one percent of mental wellness experts in the nation as well as a global thought leader for treating trauma and stress disorders in children and adults.
Nancy Jernigan, PhD, LPF, LPC
Nancy is an internationally recognized leader and educator known for leadership development and developing healthy teams in the midst of growth and change. A pastor, executive coach, leadership multiplication expert and teacher passionate about developing and multiplying leaders and teams.
Jeff & Nancy are founders of the Hidden Value Group, and both serve on the board of Olive Branch International Inc. The two organizations deliver healthcare, education, leadership development, and family support responding to mass violence and disaster around the world. They serve and teach together as mental wellness experts treating trauma and stress disorders and helping organizations and groups all around the world bring healing, heath, and hope. They have three children and seven grandchildren.

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