Jemi Fraser

Small Town Heroes: The Complete Series (Books 1-6)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1990092586
EAN 9781990092589
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Jemi Fraser
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
22,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Enjoy this complete series boxset of six small-town romantic suspense novels.
Love and danger lurk everywhere, even at a former fishing lodge the middle of Vermont. While Tansy and her team of scientists work at making the world a better place, her FBI brother and his friends work at protecting them from the threats. In the midst of danger, love appears when you least expect it. Love is always worth the risk!
Built Of Secrets - She's got a secret…okay, she's got several, but only one might get her killed.
Built Of Strength - Anonymous one-night stands are supposed to stay in the past.
Built Of Flames - Going down in flames never felt so good.
Built Of Second Chances - He thought she was dead. Now, his appearance might get her killed.
Built Of Illusions - If he can't see behind the serial killer's mask, the cost will be her life.
Built Of Steel - When your heart is the weakest link.


Jemi Fraser writes romantic suspense filled with hope, heart, and humour. Her stories combine her love of mystery with the satisfaction of a Happy Ever After. Love is always worth the risk.
Jemi also writes about the way dementia has impacted her family. Love and humour go a long way to help everyone cope with the disease.
When she was four, Jemi threw an epic temper tantrum because she wanted her very own library card. It worked and Jemi's been a bookworm ever since.
Before turning her hand to writing, Jemi spent a few decades teaching students to love each other, words and math. Yes, math! Armed with a mug of tea and freshly-baked cookies, Jemi is living out her own HEA in beautiful Northern Ontario.

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