Jessica Vallance

Trust Her

A gripping psychological thriller with a heart-stopping twist. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0751572616
EAN 9780751572612
Veröffentlicht November 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Sphere
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

It wasn't just that I didn't like her. I didn't trust her . . .
Charlotte is a people pleaser - she can't help but go the extra mile. So when she stumbles upon an unconscious man one night, it's only natural that she wants to help.
Brought into the arms of the victim's loving family, she sees at once how much they need her. But while his parents happily welcome her into the fold, his sister is another story. It's not just that Rebecca doesn't like Charlotte, she clearly doesn't trust her either.
But the more time Charlotte spends in Rebecca's company, the more she suspects she's the one with something to hide. And if Charlotte is to protect this family - and herself - she'll need to do whatever she can to find out what that is . . .
A twisty story of lies, obsession and revenge that will have you wondering who to believe until the last page. Perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh and Laura Marshall.
Read what everybody's saying about Trust Her:
'One of the best thrillers I have read in a while in terms of getting your blood pumping and keeping that level of intrigue from start to end' Five stars, Goodreads reviewer
'I loved this book and will be introducing it to my book club. There were so many twists and turns that kept me wanting to keep reading. I was intrigued by the different stories and viewpoints from Charlotte and Rebecca. I could imagine it being made into a film' Five stars, Amazon reviewer
This is a definite 5 stars from me! If you love a book full of twists and turns, edge of your seat moments and feelings that make you want to throw the book across the room but then pick it back up again. Then this book is for you' Five stars, Goodreads reviewer
'I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The way that the main character's past was revealed bit by bit allowing the reader glimpses of character flaws and odd behaviour that were quite chilling. I just couldn't put it down' Five stars, Amazon reviewer
'Brilliant Suspense plot! Would make for an interesting movie. Held on to the mystery till the very last . . . Character descriptions just added to the thrill. Perfect psychological thriller' Five stars, Goodreads reviewer


Jessica Vallance

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