Johann Sebastian Bach, John W Schaum

Bach-Schaum, Bk 1

Based on Events and Episodes of Bach's Life. Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 32 Seiten
ISBN 0757907458
EAN 9780757907456
Veröffentlicht Juni 2001
Verlag/Hersteller Schott
9,95 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbarkeit unbestimmt (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

Based on Events and Episodes in the life of Johann Sebastian Bach, this Late Elementary piano collection may be used as supplementary literature with any piano method. Many of Bach's pieces were named as Preludes, Sarabandes, Minuets, Arias, and other titles relating to the form of the composition. Mr. Schaum has chosen titles from authentic episodes in Bach's life and applied them to his music. The appropriate captions add color and life to the music, the biographical sketches add musical appreciation, and Mr. Schaum's arrangements make teaching easier.