Jonathan Crocker

Out of Fire - Hummingbird: Book One

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386466875
EAN 9781386466871
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Jonathan Crocker
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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At sixteen years old, Deacon Barnes had spent his entire life on the dusty moon of Ophelia, on the outskirts of Republic territory. The son of a farmer, Deacon's lazy days are spent dreaming of adventure, of escaping his dreary life and visiting distant stars. That dream becomes reality, but hardly in the way he expected. It comes in the dark of night, in the form of fire. Flames bathe his home, his moon attacked by a powerful and mysterious alien race known only as the Ethereals. He's left for dead, the lone survivor of a brutal massacre.
A chance encounter with the entrancing Diera Hawk, notorious smuggler and captain of the Hummingbird, gives Deacon a second chance at life - and the adventure he's always dreamed of. But is Deacon cut out for the life of a rogue? And when Diera turns her focus to chasing rumours of the Ethereals across the galaxy - and beyond - can the crew of the Hummingbird stand against the might of the powerful aliens?

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