Katie Kirby

Hurrah for Gin: The Daily Struggles of Archie Adams (Aged 2 ¿)

The perfect gift for mums. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 147366201X
EAN 9781473662018
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Coronet
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Life is hard for Archie. It often seems like the world is out to get him. People are always telling him what to do... 'Eat your tea Archie!', 'Don't lick the bus stop Archie!', 'Stop putting Mummy's phone in the bin Archie!'
And then one day his heart is shattered when he learns his parents are to replace him with a younger sibling - the utter bastards!
The only comforts he finds are in his best friend Amelie who teaches him all the good swear words, and the sweet relief he gets from sinking his teeth into other people's limbs.
From naked protests to dealing with other people looking at YOUR THINGS! This is a no-holds-barred account of life told through the eyes of Archie - a creatively stifled, modern day toddler.
Sunday Times bestseller Hurrah for Gin has delighted fans with its honest, emotional and laugh-out-loud account of parenting. Brilliantly illustrated with Katie Kirby's unique stick man drawings and told in the same outrageously funny way, The Daily Struggles of Archie Adams, Aged 2 - once again takes on the highs and lows of family life, this time it's one opinionated boy having his say.


Katie Kirby

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