Katie MacAlister

Trouble With Harry

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 1402294433
EAN 9781402294433
Veröffentlicht Juli 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Sourcebooks Casablanca
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Just what is the trouble with Harry?
1. He is Plum's new husband. Not normally a problem, but when you consider that Harry advertised for a wife, and Plum was set to marry his secretary, there was cause for a bit of confusion.
2. He has a title. Plum has spent the last twenty years hiding from the ton, and now Harry wants her to shine in society?
3. He doesn't know about her shocking secret. How is she going to explain about the dead husband who isn't a husband...and who now seems to be alive again?
4. He's fallen in love with her. And yet, the maddening man refuses to confide in her. Plum knows the real trouble with Harry is that he's stolen her heart.
As a spy for the Crown, Lord Harry Rosse faced clever and dangerous adversaries-but it's his five offspring who seem likely to send him to Bedlam. At his wits' end, he's advertised for a wife and found one, but perhaps he should have been a bit more forthcoming on certain points...
Frederica Pelham, affectionately known as Plum, spent years avoiding the scandals of her past, and is desperate for quiet security and a chance to make a family. What she finds is a titled husband and five little devils who seem bent on their own destruction, not to mention hers. And while all kinds of secrets are catching up with them, Plum knows the real trouble with Harry...


For as long as she can remember, Katie MacAlister has loved reading. Growing up in a family where a weekly visit to the library was a given, Katie spent much of her time with her nose buried in a book. Despite her love for novels, she didn't think of writing them until she was contracted to write a non-fiction book about software. Since her editor refused to allow her to include either witty dialogue or love scenes in the software book, Katie swiftly resolved to switch to fiction, where she could indulge in world building, tormenting characters, and falling madly in love with all her heroes. Two years after she started writing novels, Katie sold her first romance, Noble Intentions. More than thirty books later, her novels have been translated into numerous languages, been recorded as audiobooks, received several awards, and are regulars on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. She also writes for the young adult audience as Katie Maxwell.
Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and dogs, and can often be found lurking around online.

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