Katrien Dora Verveckken

Binominal Quantifiers in Spanish

Conceptually-driven Analogy in Diachrony and Synchrony. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 532 Seiten
ISBN 3110406837
EAN 9783110406832
Veröffentlicht Juli 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Walter de Gruyter

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Quantification is central to human experience (cf. Aristotle's Organon): the most basic aspects of human life and reasoning involve quantity assessment. This study sheds lights on a highly frequent way to express quantification in Spanish, viz. the binominal quantifier (e.g. un aluviónN1 de llamadasN2 'a flood of calls') which assesses the quantity of N2 in terms of N1.
This volume offers a corpus-based, cognitive-functional analysis of binominal quantifiers (BQ) in Spanish. The first part is dedicated to the development of BQs and starts from the assumption that BQs are cross-linguistically involved in grammaticalization. This monograph frames the history of BQs in Spanish in terms of constructional levels of change and highlights the complex interplay between analogical thinking and conceptual persistence. The second part motivates both the ample variation in the paradigm of quantifying nouns and their combinatorial pattern by the very same mechanism of conceptually-driven analogy. The study thus yields an innovative functional model of BQs in Spanish, in synchrony and in diachrony, with major implications for reference grammars and theory building.


Katrien Verveckken, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

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