Kay Brody

Captivated (Rock Star Romance, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1516377958
EAN 9781516377954
Veröffentlicht August 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Kay Brody
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Darcy Blackwell, better known as Dee, finds herself on her own at 17 years of age. By 18, she's stripping in the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles and doing what it takes to make it in the city. Anything but satisfied, when she's offered an audition as a dancer for an up & coming rock band called "Faithless", she goes for it. And she gets the gig.
She's immediately taken by the band's front man, Seth Chandler. He's attractive and flirty. He's also mysterious and seems to be a guy with many secrets. Secrets that everyone, especially the females, are dying to know...and to be a part of.
Seth is also drawn to Dee. She's just not like the other girls - the many girls - that he's known. He wants her. Needs her. But he's been ordered to stay away from her by the band's manager. To keep it professional and not rock the boat.
Can Dee and Seth remain apart, as they've vowed to? Can they deny what they both feel? Or will they give in to the struggle and fall into each other's arms?
Find out in "Captivated"!
"Rock Star Romance" is a new short story series by Kay Brody, author of the series "The Carlisle Sisters", "The Greek Tycoon" & "Fighting Ella". Learn more about Kay and all of her books at www.KayBrody.com. And sign up for her newsletter while you're there to receive updates on new releases, special discounts and a SURPRISE OFFER!
NOTE: This book contains adult language and sexual content. It is intended for adults only.

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