Kyndra Hatch

Fracture (The Fracture War, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215134924
Veröffentlicht Februar 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Letahatchee Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In a fractured world, a powerful bond may be the only thing that can save it…
The Beryllian people are nearly extinct thanks to the Skellyds, a robotic species who have invaded Beryll and turned its cities into factories, manufacturing more Skellyds out of the inhabitants of the planet.
A powerful Beryllian couple emerges from the ruins to fight back, but their victories do not come without risk. Bazin and Miaxa prefer to go on missions alone, but there is a growing sentiment amongst the Beryllians that bonded pairs have a weakness. It's true that if one of the pair dies, the other follows, but the core bond bestows a strength that only those who bind themselves to another fully understand.
Bazin and Miaxa must fight against invaders, traitors, and an expanding movement to purge their world of all weaknesses as they forge a powerful bond that will defy death in the fight to save the Beryllian population from total annihilation. Can this bonded pair survive the attacks against them and those that would tear them apart forever, or will the bond that connects them prove to be more powerful than the traitors who want them dead?
Don't miss out on the first, enthralling story in The Fracture War!


Kyndra Hatch grew up with a fascination for science fiction and a deep interest in ancient civilizations, a combination which fuels her active imagination. After twelve exciting years as an archaeologist, Kyndra pursues a passion for writing and has discovered her works have a decidedly science fiction romantic flair. She is a USA Today bestselling author.
Kyndra also writes science fiction, horror, and dark humor short stories as L.K. Hatchett.
Visit her Facebook page or sign up for her newsletter for more info. Thanks for reading!

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