L. M. Connolly

Shifting Heat (STORM, #6)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533782202
EAN 9781533782205
Veröffentlicht August 2016
Verlag/Hersteller LMC Publications
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,75 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Until recently Andros was a severely disabled geek working for STORM. Now he's a powerful shape-shifting dragon. Still a geek, though.
Meeting university professor Faye came as a shock, since they were sharing the same air space at the time. But it didn't take long to come to terms with that and each other in a convenient hotel room. Hot, fast, rampant sex is just what Andros needs. Until he wakes up and discovers what else she's taken from him.
Tangling with her between the sheets, against her desk, pretty much anywhere he can have her, takes energy Andros now has in abundance. But he won't let his emotions follow. Not this side of - oh, hell.
Faye never met anyone in her long life as exciting as Andros. But he works for STORM, Faye's enemy. She's never had anyone so young, either. But she can't resist his strength, his determination - or his ripped body.
Together they must hunt down a mutual enemy, but to defeat him they have to come to terms with what they are, were and will become.


L.M. Connolly writes steamy, exciting contemporary and paranormal romances. The best-selling writer of the STORM, Department 57, Pure Wildfire, and Nightstar series, she lives and breathes her characters.
She lives in the UK, but travels to the US once a year, to enjoy the high life! Her books have gained her a number of awards and five star reviews, and she's also a best-selling author.
Her life experiences add colour and veracity to the stories she tells, and she is always finding more!
As Lynne Connolly, L.M. also writes historical romances.

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