Lee Crutchley

Nobody Knows What They're Doing

The 10 Secrets All Artists Should Know. 2C Illustrations throughout. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 128 Seiten
ISBN 1250768519
EAN 9781250768513
Veröffentlicht Februar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller St. Martin's Essentials

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Everything no one will tell you about being an artist
Nobody Knows What They're Doing is an honest guide to the creative life for artists of all kinds. Lee Crutchley, author of How to Be Happy (Or At Least Less Sad), skips the platitudes, positive affirmations, and guarantees of success; he'll never ever tell you to just Do What You Love. Instead, Crutchley discusses the things nobody else is talking about-that, frankly, your work sucks (but that's ok because everyone else's does too), that making bad art is worth it, and so much more.
In a world desperate for a glimpse of authenticity, Nobody Knows What They're Doing is a breath of fresh air that reveals the truths hiding between the lines of Instagram-friendly aphorisms and behind the words of the most inspirational TED talks. An honest look at the reality of creativity and the joy and difficulty of crafting good (and bad) art, this book belongs in the hands of every exhausted creative, every starry-eyed dreamer, and every artist who is trying to make their way in the world-and keep a roof over their head while they do it.


Lee Crutchley

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