Leisa Stewart-Sharpe

The Green Planet

For young wildlife-lovers inspired by David Attenborough's series. Empfohlen 8 bis 11 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1405946695
EAN 9781405946698
Veröffentlicht Januar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller BBC Children's Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This is our Green Planet: a hidden world where plants care for other plants and can smell, taste, touch, hear and even . . . 'talk'.
In the world of plants, time passes more slowly, but if we speed months into minutes we can peer into this hidden world and realise: it's a battleground. Plants are working to thwart their enemies, and to trick animals into working for them.
Right under your feet, and all around you, is a secret world you've probably never noticed. Until now. Let's explore our Green Planet: a secret world of plants that might change how you see plants forever . . .
Discover all there is to love about our astonishing Green Planet, the stories of its inhabitants, and the challenges it faces.
In collaboration with BBC Earth, this illustrated non-fiction book captures the intrigue, drama, and beauty of the groundbreaking new BBC TV series: The Green Planet, narrated by Sir David Attenborough.


Leisa Stewart-Sharpe (Author)
Leisa Stewart-Sharpe is a trained journalist turned children's book author, who writes stunning children's non-fiction and picture books. Her Australian childhood inspired her love for the natural world - and the stories of its strange and wonderful creatures. Her bestselling first non-fiction book, Blue Planet II, has been translated into several languages around the world.
Kim Smith (Illustrator)
Kim Smith is the New York Times best-selling illustrator of over 30 picture books, including Boxitects, the Builder Brothers series, and the PopClassics picture book adaptations. Kim also works on children's video games, animation, and now children's non-fiction too. She lives in Calgary, Canada.

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