Lily Clarke

The Cowboy and the Orphan (Riding into Love, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224920914
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Lily Clarke
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Dive into "The Cowboy and the Orphan," a heart-stirring romance novel that weaves a tale of passion, peril, and the power of love in the rustic heartlands. This captivating story follows the intense and hardworking cowboy, Cody Moore, whose life on the farm takes an unexpected turn when he meets Marie, a kind-hearted orphan with a calm demeanor and a mysterious past.
Set against the sprawling backdrop of a bustling farm, Cody is a man who's all about duty and hard work. But Marie's presence ignites an undeniable attraction he's determined to resist—at least until unforeseen danger threatens the very heart of his world. Marie, with her gentle ways and a soul marked by loss, finds in Cody the dream she never dared to hope for. But dreams can be fragile, and theirs is no exception.
"The Cowboy and the Orphan" is not just a romance; it's a journey through the trials of love, where secrets lurk in the shadows, and adversity tests the bounds of the heart. As Cody and Marie navigate their desires and fears, they discover that love requires more than just passion—it demands courage, sacrifice, and the strength to stand together against the forces that threaten to tear them apart.
This novel will enthrall readers looking for a deep, emotionally charged story of love, redemption, and survival. Perfect for fans of rustic romance and tales of love that fights against all odds, "The Cowboy and the Orphan" promises to be a page-turner that will keep you hooked until the last word.
Immerse yourself in a story where love battles secrets and danger, where the heartlands are not just a setting, but a character in their own right. Whether you're a die-hard romance reader or new to the genre, "The Cowboy and the Orphan" is the perfect addition to your reading list. Join Cody and Marie as they prove that even in the face of darkness, love can find a way to shine through.
Don't miss out on this unforgettable journey of the heart. Grab your copy of "The Cowboy and the Orphan" today and get ready to be swept off your feet!


Born amidst the charming cobblestone streets of Brussels, Belgium, in 1997, Lily Clarke discovered her passion for storytelling from an early age. Raised in a city that breathes history and cultural richness, Lily's imagination was sparked by the vibrant tapestry of life that surrounded her.
A literary explorer, Lily ventured into the realms of fantasy, mystery, and drama with equal enthusiasm, inviting readers to embark on a captivating journey through her imaginative landscapes, where every page reveals a new facet of her storytelling prowess.

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