Lyra Mistweaver

The Stranger's Omen (Bloody Moon, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224888955
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Lyra Mistweaver
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Dive into "The Stranger's Omen," a spellbinding tale where destiny collides with choice, and the mysteries of an ancient world awaken under the shadow of a prophesized storm. This captivating novel takes you to the untouched shores of a mystical island, where Tanisha lives in harmony with her Sisters and the whispers of the Goddess. Yet, beneath the serene life of rituals and the hunt, a restless curiosity stirs within her-a longing for the vast, unknown continent beyond her insular world.
Tanisha's life, bound by the expectations of divine servitude and the unyielding laws of her community, takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of a wounded stranger. Cast upon their shores by a foretold tempest, his presence is an omen that threatens to unravel the very fabric of their existence and challenges everything Tanisha believes about her place in the cosmos.
Armed only with her bow, her courage, and an unwavering spirit, Tanisha stands at the crossroads of destiny. Faced with a decision that could alter the fate of her people and the unknown world beyond, "The Stranger's Omen" is a journey of self-discovery, ancient mysteries, and an untold legacy waiting to be uncovered.
Perfect for fans of high fantasy and mystical adventures, "The Stranger's Omen" promises to be a beacon for readers thirsting for stories of empowered heroines, mystical connections, and the eternal dance of fate versus free will. Embark on this journey to discover if Tanisha can unravel the omen's secrets and forge a new path for her people and the mysterious stranger who might hold the key to their future.
Unlock the mystery, embrace destiny, and explore the fantastical realm in "The Stranger's Omen." Your next unforgettable adventure awaits.


Lyra Mistweaver, born in 2004, is a prolific author in the fantasy genre. Raised in a quaint village surrounded by ancient forests, Lyra's fascination with storytelling began at an early age. Inspired by the rich tapestry of myths and legends, she embarked on a literary journey to craft her own enchanting narratives. With a talent for weaving intricate worlds and compelling characters, Lyra's novels have captivated readers worldwide, inviting them to immerse themselves in realms where magic and adventure await at every turn.

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