Marianne Bentzen

The Neuroaffective Picture Book

An Illustrated Introduction to Developmental Neuropsychology. 120 COLOR ILLOS. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 64 Seiten
ISBN 1623172551
EAN 9781623172558
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller North Atlantic Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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An illustrated introduction to the evolution and early development of the brain, emotions, and personality
Designed for psychologists, psychotherapists, and childcare professionals, this book is an accessible primer on developmental neuropsychology, combining easy-to-understand text with light-hearted illustrations. Covering topics such as the autonomic nervous system, neuroaffective development, the prefrontal cortex, and the zone of proximal development, The Neuroaffective Picture Book is a unique and useful tool for learning about emotions, social skills, and self-regulation.


MARIANNE BENTZEN is a psychotherapist and trainer who provides trainings throughout Europe, specializing in the ways that neuroaffective personality development - the maturation processes of brain and personality - can inform treatment and interpersonal process work. In Denmark, she works with psychiatric facilities to improve process and case supervision, and consults for mental health organizations internationally. For the past twenty years she has worked closely with psychologist Susan Hart to develop the frameworks of Neuroaffective Developmental Psychology, Personality Development, and Psychotherapy. She is a co-founder of Bodynamic Analysis, she has worked with Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) for decades, and she has trained with many other leading figures in the field of body psychotherapy, including Ron Kurtz (Hakomi), Albert Pesso (Psychomotor Training) and David Boadella (Biosynthesis). Bentzen also studies mindfulness and meditation practices under Jes Bertelsen. Her work on neuroaffective development and psychotherapy has been published widely in several languages. Her website is

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