Object-Oriented Programming in ColdFusion - Matt Gifford

Matt Gifford

Object-Oriented Programming in ColdFusion

Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 3.
pdf eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1847196330
EAN 9781847196330
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Packt Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Are you tired of procedural programming or is your extensive code base starting to become un-manageable? Breathe some new life into your code and improve your development skills with the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. Utilize objects, modular components, and design patterns to expand your skills and improve your ColdFusion applications. Packed with example code, and written in a friendly, easy-to-read style, this book is just what you need if you are serious about ColdFusion.This book is a fast-paced tutorial to important ColdFusion object-oriented programming topics. It will give you clear, concise, and practical guidance to take you from the basics of ColdFusion to the skills that will make you a ColdFusion developer to be reckoned with. Don't be put off by jargon or complex diagrams; read and see how you can benefit from this book and extend your development skills in the process.Using the practical examples within this guide, you will learn how to structure your applications and code, applying the fundamental basics of object-oriented programming to develop modular, reusable components that will scale easily with your application. You will learn the basic fundamental practices of object-oriented programming, from object creation and re-use, to Bean objects, service layers, Data Access objects, and sample design patterns to gain a better understanding of OOP using examples that can be altered and applied in your application. Complete with detailed code samples and snippets, and written in a friendly easy-to-follow style, you will be able to break free from writing purely procedural code and enhance your applications by building structured applications utilizing basic design patterns and object-oriented principles.


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