Melony Ann

Defending Her Honor (The Lucinio Family Series, #6)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1961966654
EAN 9781961966659
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Carxander Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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My position as a Sergeant with Chicago Police Department's Major Crimes Unit comes with a lot of perks and is a dream come true. One of the many things I love the most is that I don't have to patrol. I haven't done a traffic stop in over five years.
Ironic when I'm busted for gunning down an innocent man on a stop I was never a part of wearing a uniform I haven't worn in years.
The city of Chicago, my girlfriend included, doesn't seem to care about that, though. They want my head on a shiny platter made of gold and diamonds.
As if my life imploding isn't enough, the Lucinio Mafia, the only family I have, is facing its own problems. A rival who thinks he stands a chance against us.
The cherry on my messed up sundae comes in the form of a beautiful, very young, brunette with sultry eyes and curves that make me weak. Dylan Remington. Our rivals are after her, and I'm tasked with being her protection.
She hates me, but that's fine. She's a brat who loves getting on my last nerve and sending me straight to the bottle. There's nothing in my orders that says I have to be nice to her, and I have no intention of catering to her ego anyway.
But damn... Why does she have to be my ultimate temptation?
I don't have time to play games with her. Not only is her life on the line, but so is mine. I can't afford to let the pretty distraction come between me saving us all.
~ Defending Her Honor is a steamy, dark mafia, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, age gap, cop romance with dark themes and violent content that may not be suitable for all readers. ~

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