Michael M. Sisson, Mark Greger

The Science of Paleo Diet

A Simple Beginner's Guide to Lose Weight Rapidly with Low Carb High Fat Diet. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 50 Seiten
ISBN 1646154258
EAN 9781646154258
Veröffentlicht Juni 2019
Verlag/Hersteller The One Drive Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The Roots of a Balanced Diet that Actually Works!
You don't need to hear more about miracle diets... you probably even tried them all. A good diet isn't decided by how trendy it is, but if it efficiently makes you lose weight in a fast pace, while keeping a healthy body with peak energy levels. If you feel like you're never going to find the right diet for you, think again. The secret lies in the Paleolithic Era, as the Paleo Diet suggests.
The book 'The Science of Paleo Diet' offers brilliant insight on the benefits of the Paleo Diet. Known for being a powerful diet for weight loss, the Paleo diet might just be the answer you were looking for.
Why is this diet better for you?
The paleo diet offers a variety of food that includes nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, natural oils (like olive oil or walnut oil), lean fishes and meats. With the delicious, low on carbs meals this book teaches you, you'll be able to find the perfect balance for a healthy body that burns fat naturally.This diet restores the essential vitamins and nutrients of your body, and leaves out dairy and processed foods. This way, you will feel more energetic,  young, and less stressed with a diet that you can actually see its results!
Did you know that 62% of the American adults are overweight or obese?
And the tendency is for this number to go higher if we don't change our eating habits. The Paleo diet is based on the foods our hunter/gatherer ancestors ate during the Paleolithic Era. It eliminates most of the foods that come along the years, like dairy, and processed foods. This fact alone, explains why this diet is so efficient in losing weight: light and tasty meals that reconnects you to your roots.
In 'The Science of Paleo Diet' you will learn how to:
Discover the secrets of the Paleo Diet, including its history, and a guide to the must-have and must-avoid foods with delicious recipes.Define an easy-to-follow meal plan that offers variety and promotes health so you can activate your natural process of burning fat;Build a strong mindset, unshakeable self-confidence and self-discipline that will not only be useful in your diet, as it will reflect on everything else in your life.
Do the change your body asks you too! The book 'The Science of Paleo Diet' is the perfect beginners guide to a wonderful diet that works fast, and makes your body healthier.
Would You Like to Know More?Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy now button.

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