Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones

White Roses (Death of the White Roses, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224888115
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Novelist Artist Love Bro Bones
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The Celestial Moon era refers to a time in the distant past when the world was full of wonder and mystery. It was a time of prosperity, peace, and harmony, where the gods and goddesses of the moons walked among mortals, and magic was a part of everyday life.
Each moon had its deity, who was revered by the people and worshipped for their immense power and wisdom. These divine beings were rulers of their respective moons and were responsible for maintaining the universe's balance. They were the guardians of life, death, and time, and their presence among mortals was a rare and unique occurrence.
Their divine powers were beyond measure, and they could wield them to shape destiny and control the light and dark, good and evil. The gods and goddesses were not just passive observers of the world but were active participants in shaping its destiny.
During this era, the world was full of awe and wonder, where anything was possible, and miracles were commonplace. It was a time when the limits of human potential were tested and surpassed. The people of this time lived in harmony with nature, cherishing the gifts the gods and goddesses bestowed upon them.
The Celestial Moon era was a time of endless possibilities, where the impossible was achievable. It was a world of beauty and mystique, where the boundaries between the celestial and earthly realms were blurred, and the veil between them was thin. The world had endless possibilities, and people lived in perpetual wonder.

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