Peggy Chong

The Blind History Lady Presents; The First Things I Learned

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310804451
EAN 9781310804458
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Peggy Chong
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The first book in a historical series of stories that look back at the day-to-day, lives of the average blind man or woman in the United States over the past two centuries. Learn about the blind persons who had come before, all they had to traverse to live a normal life and to accomplish all they did and with so few resources that the blind take for granted today.
The Blind History Lady will explore the lives of blind editors, teachers, barbers, electricians, politicians, piano tuners and so many other professions that the blind of the United States have engaged in, over the many decades that will surprise even the Blind History Lady. A look at their lives will show how techniques used by the blind have evollved or disappeared. How the many adaptions to the sighted world have now become a part of the sighted world.


Peggy Chong is a long-time researcher and Historical author of many articles on the blind in the United States. She has written for publications that include The Braille Monitor, Dialogue Magazine, Future Reflections, The Minnesota Bulletin and the Iowa History Journal.
In her growing series, The Blind Lady Presents, she introduces to sighted and blind alike, the many average blind persons in the United States who had to overcome not-so-average barriers to lead a normal life, support their families and succeed. She recounts all they had to do to become chemists, newspaper editors, plumbers, barbers, piano tuners, boat builders, teachers, lawyers, politicians and so much more.

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