R. J. Eliason

Shoshone Station #6:Africa (The Galactic Consortium, #15)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386453331
EAN 9781386453338
Veröffentlicht August 2017
Verlag/Hersteller R. J. Eliason
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Less than a year ago, they arrived over earth's sky. They call themselves the Galactic Consortium and they are human, or at least, simian - from the same genetic line as humans. They claim to have terraformed this planet centuries ago to serve as a base for their exploration of this galaxy. What happened to the settlers, why none of us remember this, remains a mystery.
For America the concerns are more immediate. Will the Consortium accept our independence?
Shoshone Station is the first joint enterprise, a solar power, space station parked in geostationary orbit over Denver, Colorado. Its been "gifted" to America, but as Sherman Lannister takes command he wonders just how much control the new American crew will really have. After all, what do they know about running a space station?
For Sophia, a homeless transgender youth from Denver, and many like her the station is a second chance at a new life. But what will she do living amongst the stars?
Episode Six: Africa
The day after Christmas, Jake King fights with his mom. He knows how hard it is for her, raising four kids with no help. But it's not like there are jobs in Caspar, Wyoming. Not for a young man like Jake, not that pay decent. What can he do? Two days later he finds himself in Bamako, Africa, part of the Consortium's African Administration. Is this the new reality? Commuter jobs halfway around the world?
Fox planned a relaxing vacation with Nara Suun in Southern Africa. But the fates seem to have other plans, he runs into the last person he wants to see, Gerald Klempke. The man he helped put into a Consortium Penal Colony for rape. Klempke says he wants to talk, wants to turn over a new leaf. But Fox isn't sure he trusts him, but what can he do?


R. J. Eliason writes immersive science fiction and fantasy stories that feature diverse characters. Her writing spans many sub-genres from alien contact, apocalyptic stories and epic fantasy. She also writes in a wide variety of formats, from full length novels to an ongoing serialized adventure. Her writing can be found in digital and print formats anywhere online that books are sold. Or check out her website at rj.eliason.com and sign up for a free book.

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