Rosa Swann

My Alpha's Secret: MM Omegaverse Mpreg Romance (Second Chance Mates, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386225576
EAN 9781386225577
Veröffentlicht April 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Easily Distracted Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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What would you do if your estranged Alpha died, leaving behind an Omega and child with no one to care for them?
Ten years ago, Logan left me.
He told me that two Alphas cannot be together, that our mating wasn't real.
Yesterday, my sister called and told me that Logan passed away.
That he's leaving behind an Omega and a young child.
Today, I'm at Logan's funeral.
Trying to stay out of sight, I notice how Logan's family treats his Omega.
Why am I the only one willing to help them?
Logan and I had everything we ever wanted.
A lovely cottage, a beautiful daughter and lots of big dreams.
Then he was ripped away from us in a car crash.
Now, Logan's family is about to leave me to fend for myself after the funeral.
Until one of Logan's old friends steps in.
Only, in all the commotion, I didn't keep an eye on the calendar.
And my heat starts at the most inconvenient of times.
Why is Logan's friend reacting to my heat?
Only true mates are supposed to react to a mated Omega...
What's going on?
This is the first novella about Alpha Wilder and Omega Sterling in Second Chance Mates, which takes place in the non-shifter Omegaverse Mates World and contains mpreg (male-pregnancy). This novella may include any of these elements: steamy scenes, 'I need tissues NOW' moments, cries of 'why, oh, why' and cliffhangers that make you bite your nails (and curse the author).

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