S. H. Marpel

Witch Coven Harvest (Short Story Fiction Anthology)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 138604458X
EAN 9781386044581
Veröffentlicht Januar 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Living Sensical Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Four witches have something in common - and must find each other before an ancient enemy harvests their magic for her own use.
A powerful mass of magic was long ago shattered and dispursed to the four corners of this planet. And has found four young women as hosts.
They themselves cannot remember how they got their talents or when, and often don't know why they showed up where they did.
A single male wood nymph finds himself at the crossroads of helping these witches gain control over the powers they have. He doesn't know that by doing this, he puts himself right in the crosshairs of that single ancient enemy.
She wants to harvest their power for herself, to regain the power and total control of Earth. So she is protecting these four witches and their nymph. For now.
When she has what she wants, are all bets are off?
This Anthology Contains:
- Witch Mystery: Beth
- Wish Me Luck, Wtich Me Love
- Witch Mystery: Ruby
- Witch Mystery: Raven
- Witch Mystery: Dixie
- Last Witch Dance
I was back. And these pitiful four young women were there just for me.
My name is Hyperia and I'm the Be-All and End-All. Beyond good and evil and before they even existed, I've come here to reverse their long division and bring this universe back to its native state.
It's taken thousands of years of study and practice to align all the elements into their best, most optimal alignment.
This coven is now back together and is the last step necessary to revert the changes.
These thoughts I sent to all present. These four witches present heard me.
Dixie - the element of water - had organized it, as I knew she would. She alone had access to the books and scrolls. Because I let her. And why she lost her memory first. Now she sat there in her skimpy black-and-white patterned top thinking she knew something under that flowing chestnut hair about running a business.
The news is, that's nothing compared to running a universe.
It won't matter shortly, as all her knowledge will be mine.
Raven, as wind, was all in black from hair to the floor. Dressed mostly in leather other than that thin, revealing knit top under her jacket. She was the most recent, because she needs to recover the least of her knowledge. I only need her spirit as part of mine, and then I'll bring back all the "lost" data she thinks are missing.
Ruby - the element of fire - was probably closest in her outfit. All browns and tans, even her russet hair. She had been learning a little in the past few days, but it wasn't enough to figure anything out. And I knew what she'd "mis-remembered" or would - when her mind was mine again.
And Beth, as earth, looked so ridiculous with her blond hair all twined above her head, her gaudy make up and that "come-hither" long blue satin gown. Of course, I'd helped her with those choices. Because she needed to be both out of the way and attract everyone to come here.
I began the incantation. The space around them, along with the oak table they sat at, all began to swirl and twist in on itself. And soon all that they were and had been would be me...
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Exploring Mysteries Beyond the Ordinary
Bit by both mystery and writing bugs at an early age, Marpel took a challenge to write a short story every week for a year - and wound up publishing 48, plus being published in 17 anthologies. The genre of choise is paranormal/supernatural detective-myteries, where his Ghost Hunter team, is lead by an amateur sleuth mystery writer and supported by a cast of female spirit-guides.
You'll want to keep up with his many short adventure in this world and others. Dive into these books and get entertaining diversion from the humdrum lives we lead.
Available worldwide at all major booksellers.

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