Sandee G Macgregor

Can I Take it to Heaven?

ebook Ausgabe. "US open market"-Ausgabe. full color illustrations. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1998815099
EAN 9781998815098
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Castle Quay Books
10,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The beautifully illustrated children's story book, “Can I Take It to Heaven?” tells the story of Lucy, a little girl who has always treasured her Bible above all else, but soon comes to realize the greatest treasure of all is Jesus living in her heart. In warm, wonder-filled ways, Macgregor's book equips families to talk to their children about the life-changing truth found only in God's Word, consider the joy of heaven, and celebrate the beautiful moment someone chooses Jesus as Lord. This one-of-a-kind children's book is a spiritual tool that needs to be in every home, every church library, and community outreach center across the nation and the globe.


Sandee Macgregor, is
educated and trained as a teacher, is also an inspired writer, and the award-winning
creator and founder of a popular web site. She is the author of two top-selling
devotionals, A Mother-Daughter Devotional and Shared
Journal Experience for Psalm 119 and A Devotional for Mothers and Sons: Walking in Wisdom Through
Proverbs, which both encourage and enable the building of a deeper spiritual bond between a
mother and her children through reading Scripture. This is her first
illustrated children's book for ages 5-8. She is a faithful follower of Christ, wife to Duncan for 28 years and a mom
to five children

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