Sarah Taylor

How To Crochet - A Guide For Newbies

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1519925557
EAN 9781519925558
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Crafty Creations
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Lean to crochet today with this easy step-by-step guide. This book shows you how to do all of the basic crochet stitches with detailed instructions and illustrations. You will easily progress from complete beginner to being able to crochet any of the projects in this book, and beyond!
This latest edition includes the instructions for four of my best-selling crochet patterns:-Boot Cuffs
Slouchy Hat
House Slippers
Cloche Hat
These are in addition to the easy original patterns for a spa-style wash cloth, mesh scarf, tablet cover, flower head band, and a basic granny square motif which can be used as a basis for many other projects such as afghans, cot covers, cushion covers........the possibilities are endless!
This is the ONLY beginner's crochet book you will need.


FREE: One Hour Slouchy Hat Crochet Pattern - Simply sign up for my mailing list at!
I am a full-time Mom to three gorgeous girls, and a self-confessed wool craft addict! My Mom taught me how to knit at a very early age and after the initial disastrous projects and frustration-induced 'hissy fits', the craft just 'clicked' (pun intended) with me, and I have been a knitting fanatic ever since.
However, something which bugged me for many years was seeing beautiful patterns which I wanted to make, only to find that they were crochet patterns and not knitting patterns. For some reason I had a mental block with crochet - it was in the 'too hard basket'. All that changed just a few years ago when I saw the most gorgeous pattern for a shawl which I simply HAD to make - and it was a crochet pattern. I was on a mission. I sat myself down with a book from the library and taught myself how to crochet. Was it all plain sailing? No, not at all, but after a while it just 'clicked' for me (like with the knitting) and I now enjoy crochet just as much as knitting.
When I was teaching myself how to crochet one of the things I had a problem with was remembering the exact steps to produce each different stitch. I had to keep flicking through the library book pages to find the instructions, then flick back to the project pattern that I was trying to follow, all whilst holding my crochet hook and yarn at the same time. This is where having the instructions to hand on your Kindle can make life a lot easier; you don't have to thumb backwards and forwards through loads of pages - you can simply go to the Table of Contents and click through to find the instructions for each particular stitch.
I hope that my book 'How To Crochet - A Guide For Newbies' will inspire lots of folks to have a go at this fun and creative hobby!

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