Simon J Catling, Tessa Willy

Understanding and Teaching Primary Geography

ebook Ausgabe. Second Edition. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 600 Seiten
ISBN 1526451018
EAN 9781526451019
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller SAGE Publications Ltd

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This book outlines how good teaching of primary geography can extend children's world awareness and help them make connections between their environmental and geographical experiences. Chapters offer guidance on important learning and teaching issues as well as the use and creation of resources from the school environment to the global context. It covers all the key topics in primary geography including: understanding places physical and human geography environmental sustainability learning outside the classroom global issues citizenship and social justice. Summaries, classroom examples and practical and reflective tasks are included throughout to foster understanding and support the effective teaching of primary geography.


Simon Catling is Assistant Dean of the Westminster Institute of Education at Oxford Brookes University. He spent many years as a classroom teacher in primary schools in London before moving into teacher education, where he has worked with primary trainee teachers as geography tutor. His recent research has been in such areas as children's understanding of geography, the state of primary geography and the provision of geography in primary teacher training courses. He has run many primary geography workshops and extended geography in-service courses. He has written widely on geography in primary education, including regularly in Primary Geographer. He is author of Placing Places and the Mapstart series

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