Toni Jordan

Our Tiny, Useless Hearts

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1952534208
EAN 9781952534201
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Atlantic Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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'Witty, observant, laugh-out-loud funny. It's rare to find a novel that keeps you laughing as this one does; the characters are sharply drawn and frighteningly familiar and the story never stops throwing up surprises. I loved it.' - Graeme Simsion, author of The Rosie Project
Henry has ended his marriage to Caroline and run off with his daughter's teacher, Martha. Caroline, having shredded a wardrobe-full of Henry's suits, has gone after them.
Craig and Lesley have dropped over from next door to catch up on the fallout from Henry and Caroline's all-night row.
And Janice, Caroline's sister, is staying for the weekend to look after the children because Janice is the sensible one.
Then Craig enters through the bedroom window expecting a tryst with Caroline and finds Janice instead, Lesley storms in full of threats, Henry, Caroline and Martha arrive back from the airport in separate taxis - and let's not even get started on Brendan the pizza guy.
Janice can cope with all that. But when her ex-husband Alec knocks on the door things suddenly get complicated...
'A new Toni Jordan is always a special pleasure and her latest is a wonderful, witty treat of a novel: cutting and clever, and yet so very romantic, as though P.G. Wodehouse had satirised life in the suburbs.' - Liane Moriarty, author of The Husband's Secret


Toni Jordan

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