Vi Carter

The Boyne Club Boxset

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224221981
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Carter Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The Boyne Club Complete Series. Four Dark Romance Novels.
Kidnapping, Arranged Marriage &, Forbidden Dark Romance.
Take a walk on the wild side of dark romance and start reading the Boyne Club Series Today!
★★★A debt is owed, and he takes me as payment.★★★
When my father runs up too much debt, I pay the price.
I've been sold.
Sold to a man who vows to break me.
A man who keeps his face hidden from me, even as his dark desires awaken mine.
It wasn't my debt to pay, but he took me, anyway.
He said he would have his payment, even if it cost me my soul.
I run the club.
If someone steps out of line, they either work for me or disappear.
But when a local man runs up too much debt, I take his daughter as payment.
She is mine to do with as I please.
I will have her completely; mind, body, and soul.
Nothing would please me more than breaking her.
I didn't think I would feel for her.
I didn't think I could love again.
Now I might be the one who ends up broken.
★★★A cold and arrogant criminal. A Billionaire's Daughter. An arranged marriage.★★★
Being the daughter of a billionaire you would think my life had always been easy.
But no, not for one second has my life ever been easy.
And now I'm being forced into a marriage with my father's right-hand man, and if I refuse him I stand to lose my inheritance.
And while I find him extremely handsome, it's the darkness that I sense in him that both frightens and calls to me.
My boss wants to give me his daughter.
Sounds simple, doesn't it?
If only that were true.
His rivals have threatened her life and now he wants me to take her as my wife.
To love, honor, and protect her for the rest of my days.
I want her.
But how can I protect her from myself?
How can I honor her when the darkness inside me demands that I defile and break her?
★★★His home we turned into a battlefield of lust and violence.★★★
I knew my life was over the moment his dark eyes connected with mine.
I should have run.
I should have never seen what he did.
What he was.
Now it's too late.
I'm locked underground with a madman.
A man determined to take what's left of me.
A man determined to strip me bare piece by piece, forcing me to face my demons.
I'm quickly falling into him.
Losing myself to the desire he ignites inside of me.
A desire I fight to deny.
I need to escape him before I lose myself completely.
When my mother married into a life of crime, I was ready to play my part.
The devoted Catholic daughter, perfect and full of light.
What I wasn't prepared for was my stepbrother.
He stalks me like prey.
Always watching me.
Taunting me.
Clawing at my walls, trying to unearth my secrets.
But he has no idea the lengths I will go to, to keep my secrets buried.

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