Werner Dorgeloh

Down in Africa: A Memoir

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798218360313
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Werner Dorgeloh
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Spellbound from a young age by his natural surroundings in rural Africa instilled a passion for nature in the author. Initially captivated by stories of naturalists from old Africa, he later realised that the era had come to an end. Instead, he was swept up and inspired by the fascinating world of science and opted to study various ecosystems and their associated species. This set the stage for a fulfilling career involving copious amounts of fieldwork and outdoor activities. Once the circumstances in South Africa spiralled downward, he and his family emigrated for their safety and a more promising future. When he thought he had left his exciting and adventurous lifestyle behind, it was not to be…
This enthralling collection of adventure and travel narratives from Southern Africa makes for enjoyable reading.


Growing up in Namibia, Werner Dörgeloh formed a close connection with the surrounding unspoiled nature and wild animals. This ignited his passion for the outdoors and his career choice in wildlife management and conservation. Driven by a strong desire to explore and broaden his horizons, he travelled to all corners of southern Africa and beyond. He enjoys adventure and outdoor activities such as hiking, sailing, kayaking, motorbiking, and archery; he earned his national colors in field archery.
After leaving South Africa, he and his family made their home in the USA, but remembering his roots, he led students on wildlife programs to Africa for many years. Inspired by his lifelong experiences in Africa, he decided to share his stories. Being an avid reader of adventure travel, nature, and history provided a solid background for writing this book.

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