Yulin Kuang

How to End a Love Story

hilarious and heart breaking, a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick!. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1399716581
EAN 9781399716581
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Hodder & Stoughton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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"How to End a Love Story is one of the sexiest, smartest, funniest, and most effective novels I've read in a long time. Yulin Kuang's voice is strong, sure, and singular-I'll read anything she writes. An absolute star." Emily Henry
"This is without doubt one of my favourite romance novels of the year. It's so smart, rich and emotional, so beautifully written - I can't rave about it enough. I truly adored it." Beth O'Leary
Helen Zhang is the bestselling author who can't write her own happy-ever-after.
Grant Shepard is the screenwriter with the movie-star looks who can't afford his therapist.
When the two of them are put together to adapt Helen's books for television, it should be a dream come true. Helen can start a new life in Hollywood. Grant can pay his mortgage.
Only, Grant Shepard is the last person that Helen wanted to see again. She's never forgiven him for what happened thirteen years ago. So no one is more surprised than her when sparks begin to fly between them in the writers' room.
Their history is messy. Their attraction is inescapable. And soon, they're both in too deep . . .
This wasn't meant to be a love story.
But aren't the best endings the ones you never saw coming?
Readers LOVE How to End a Love Story !
This book is incredible. This was such a gorgeous story of love and grief and all the myriad, messy ways that we express them. I laughed, I cried, I pined, I cried again, I was so so satisfied. -----
Yulin Kuang is a GENIUS! Easily my new favourite romance. -----
I started it on a Saturday at home and when I got into it, I couldn't stop. I immediately texted friends to make sure they have this on their radar. -----


Yulin Kuang

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